Saturday 1 September 2018

Accessing Applications

System architects use the Designer Studio to configure applications. To ensure that application developers work on the correct application, Pega provides a system to manage user access to each application.

How Users Access an Application
When users log on to PegaPega grants the user application access based on the operator record configuration.
Pega manages user access through a combination of three items of information:
  1. Operator 
  2. Access group
  3. Application
Operator Record
In Pega, each user is represented  by an operator record.
The operator record contains information  about the operator, such as their name,  position, organizational hierarchy, and  location.

Access Group
Each operator is a member of an access group.
  1. The access group record describes a set of privileges for users. 
  2. Privileges are available to users who belong to the access group. 
  3. The access group also indicates the portal through which the user interacts with Pega
  4. An operator can belong to any number of access groups. 
  5. Only one access group is active at any time.
Each access group references a specific application.
The privileges available to members of the access group apply only to the referenced application.

How Pega Determines the Application a User Opens
To log on, a user enters their ID and password.
The ID corresponds to a unique operator record listing a set of access groups. 
The password authenticates the user.
The active access group determines the application to run

Allowing a User to Access an Application
To allow a user to access an application, you add the appropriate access group to the user's operator ID record.
Each access group has a unique name that references both the application name and the access level.
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