Saturday, 22 September 2018

Configuring a service level agreement

When modeling service level agreements (SLAs), goals and deadlines are not always sufficient. In these situations, configure a service level rule. Service level rules allow you to model behavior for work that is past its deadline or to customize the urgency of work. In this lesson, we are referring to how Pega implements SLAs.

Service level agreement rules
Organizations often establish service level agreements  to enforce obligations on the timely performance of work.
A service level agreement establishes a deadline for when the specified work must be completed.
Service level agreements may also establish a more aggressive goal to compete work.
Use a service level agreement rule to describe performance expectations for an assignment, process, or entire case.

Service level agreements for assignments
   When you establish a goal and deadline in Pega Express or the Case Designer, Pega creates a service level agreement rule for you.
A goal and deadline are often sufficient for processes, stages, and case types. Define these service levels in the Case Designer.
Configure the service level agreement rule for more advanced performance obligations, such as:
   Dictate actions to perform after the deadline passes.
   Delay the start of the goal and deadline intervals.
Pega uses three intervals to configure SLAs.
Passed Deadline
The Passed Deadline Rule
Service level agreements may specify behavior for work that is considered late. 
They describe the behavior for late work using the passed deadline interval. 
They measure the time since the deadline for a still-open assignment.
The passed deadline interval repeats a fixed number of times, or until the assignment is completed.
How to Adjust Assignment Urgency
To perform assignments in a timely manner, users must know the priority — or urgency — of the assignment.
Pega calculates an urgency on the scale 0 to 100, with 100 the highest allowed urgency.
Once the urgency reaches 100, Pega ignores any further urgency adjustments. Other service level agreement behavior is unaffected.
The greater the urgency, the more pressing the assignment is.
Pega can use assignment urgency to select assignments for users.
As an assignment ages, the urgency of the assignment increases.
How Pega Calculates Urgency
The assignment urgency is recorded using the property .pxUrgencyAssign.
Calculated as a sum of three input properties
.pxUrgencyWork is the base urgency for the case type, and defaults to 10. Change this value to indicate that assignments for one case type are more important than other case types.
.pxUrgencyAssignSLA is the urgency calculated from the service level rule. As an assignment ages in a workbasket or worklist, this value increases according to the configuration of the service level.
.pyUrgencyAssignAdjust is the manual adjustment for the assignment urgency. It increases the urgency on each assignment for a specific case by running a local action.
Configuring a Service Level Agreement Rule
Configure a service level agreement rule to add a passed deadline interval for assignments considered late, or a delay before an assignment is considered ready for a user.
Add a service level agreement to an assignment in the Case Designer.
Apply a custom service level agreement to an assignment or reuse a service level agreement already available in your application.
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