Thursday, 11 October 2018

Routing Assignments

An efficient process design routes assignments to users who can best perform the work. Sometimes, the correct user is an individual who has a specific role. At other times, anyone in a specific group of users can perform the assignment. 

Routing identifies who works on an assignment as a case moves through a life cycle.
The case moves from one step to the  next until it reaches an assignment.  The case stops at the assignment and  does not continue unless a user  performs an action. 
In most applications, more than one user works on a case until the case is resolved. 
Worklists and Workbaskets
A worklist is a list of all the assignments waiting for a specific user.
Users see an assignment in the worklist until they perform an action.
Assignments queued for a team of
users are stored in
Assignments stay in the workbasket until a team member selects an assignment or a manager sends an assignment to a specific user.
A router is a special type of activity that moves an assignment based on the routing destination and assignment type. 
Other routers have parameters that are configured to suit specific requirements.
Routing by user roles or user skills are two examples.
Decision-Based Routing
Routers can use a decision rule to route assignments.
The ToDecisionTable router uses the results of a decision table to route an assignment.
If an expense report is submitted by an employee in Engineering, Pega routes the assignment to John Smith.
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